Month: September 2014

SPX report — and a new website!

Over on the Fiery Studios blog, I’ve added my SPX Con Report. This is also probably a good time to mention that I’ve updated the layout of the Fiery Studios site The Fiery Studios Store now has a proper shopping cart, and you can download PDFs of all three books for less than on other sites.

You may have noticed that the JanerBlog also got a facelift recently, and now both it and the Fiery Studios site are properly responsive, meaning that you can read them easily on your phone or tablet. The Vögelein and Clockwork Game sites should also follow soon.

Go have a look!

I’ll be at SPX

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for The Small Press Expo, my favorite show of all time. This is my first SPX since 2009, and I’m really excited to see everyone again, show off my new book — and of course, enjoy the chocolate fountain. Is there still a chocolate fountain? I hope so.

This marks SPX #6 for me, and I have such great memories of all the previous years — it’s where I met some of my best friends in the field, and every year I meet new, inspiring artists I’ve never heard of.

If you’re anywhere near Washington DC this weekend, come say hello!

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