So I was listening to NPR’s Science Friday last week, and they had NY Times columnist Tom Friedman on, talking about his new book The Earth is Flat, which is all about globalization and greening our transportation industry. (you can hear it on MP3 download here, for the time being — dunno how long the link will last — and it’s mighty good listening, about 45 minutes. Highly recommended.)
And then I read this Op-Ed piece (which originally ran in the NYT). He touched briefly on this topic on Science Friday, but this is an expansion of the idea.
I swear to God, it was wonderful hearing this guy. It was so wonderful to hear an expert — and a prominent NYT columnist, at that — say all the stuff I’ve been shouting about for the last year on this blog, and say it in a nonpartisan way. He was basically like, “look, this is not a partisan issue and we don’t have three years to spare. We need another “Moon Shot”-style push for technology now, right this minute, or the Indians and the Chinese are going to bury us so fast it’ll make our heads spin, and we won’t be able to react because they’ll have not only our purse strings, but all the brainpower.”
Go man go. Now if only people will listen to us hollering in the wilderness.
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