I hate doing taxes. Earlier this year I spent a full Saturday and most of a week of evenings getting all my tax records together so that I wouldn’t just hand the poor guy a boxful of receipts. So today we had an appointment to meet with our accountant, and knowing how much I was looking forward to it, I decided to take one of my floating holidays and take care of a lot of looming junk around the house, junk that I was Not Looking Forward To Doing. Stuff I had been putting off.

It went pretty well. I got done most of what I set out to do. Here’s a partial list:

  • Sanded and finished touch-painting library
  • Hung Brenda’s quilt in library
  • Fixed lamp in library
  • Set up extra bookshelves in library
  • Hung bodhran and mando
  • moved three extra bookcases to the dining room, living room and bedroom closet
  • Added shelf to laundry room
  • Unboxed new mixer and cleared a home for it
  • Did dishes
  • Washed and blocked a load of wool sweaters
  • Finished XL sheets for the Accountant (extra stuff, lucky me)
  • Started work on my promotional trifold and new business cards

So yeah, a full day. Here’s a couple pix of the liberry to show how much got done: