Y’know, I keep hearing people say that they read my blog frequently, but I get about one comment every two weeks. Not that that’s a bad thing; it keeps me from having to wade through and delete spam. The bad news is that I don’t know who’s reading.
Lurkers, sound off, wouldja?
Hi, Jane! I just got here, after seeing the link over on Sequential Tart. Best wishes for a cool 2005. 🙂
I’m here.
Taking the short route,
Oh, I’m here. I just don’t like the requirement of needing an email address in order to post – nothing to prevent harvesting of the link. 🙂
Yea, yea, still here.
Um Hi from the east. Just like to keep up.
Yes, sporadically. Loved the butter story! 🙂
Me, too!!
Here I am.
Don’t read every day, but every few days.
Here as always!
PS. And Matt occasionally, too, when I point out posts to him …
Been here a long time, enjoying your entries very much. 🙂
It’s my favorite sound.
You’re the reason I asked for Eco-Sandals for Christmas.
No one got them for me though. Guess they thought sandals in winter was too goofy.
Scary’s list of things to do:
1) Set shit on fire
2) Destroy all rational thought
3) Take nap with purring kitties
4) Read JanerBlog
5) Zombies
6) Give Dagny backrubs
Though not in that particular order.