
Curse you, Mythbusters. Now I have two reasons to watch teevee. Thank goodness Paul taught me how to program the vcr. Now I can see two hours a week of pleasantly concentrated, geek-infested insanity and not have to spin ’round the channels for twenty minutes just looking for something good enough to waste twenty minutes watching.

If only the blasted season one DVDs weren’t the exhorbitant price of $99.


  1. Karen

    Aha, you’ve discovered two of Piper’s very favorite shows. 🙂 I suppose you missed the Mythbusters marathon a couple of weeks ago?

    She really likes Stargate SG1 too, if you’re looking for recommendations. 🙂

  2. Janer

    Yargh! Why don’t people tell me about this stuff?! Next time there’s a MythBustAThon, let me know!


  3. Karen

    It was just before you publicly professed your new obsession. 🙂

    We found it by accident, not design. If we come across another, you’ll get a phone call.

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