I was up late last night, revamping the Vogelein website. I took a shower and headed to bed around 2:30am. I stopped by the studio to make sure everything was turned off, and what do I find circling my ceiling but a li’l brown bat. He’s going round and round, and both cats are sitting there stupidly watching him, looking as though they’re at an airshow. (Neither of them know what to do when they capture a junebug; that bat’d be no contest.)
So Paul and I engaged in bleary-eyed bat-wrangling until about 3am. Paul finally concussed the poor guy by whacking him midair with an old vinyl LP (I couldn’t make this stuff up). He was stunned, but still peeping. We carried him outside in a cardboard box and left him out there. Either he flew away or got et by the neighbor’s half-feral cat; either way, circle of life.
I really like bats. I’m not afraid of them at all, but I will say this: they certainly have the startle-factor in their favor.
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