After six months of impatient waiting, I am now running my car on B99 — 1% petrol and 99% soy. Contrary to popular rumor, my tailpipe does not smell like french fries. It smells like slightly sour cooking oil.
However, I will say this: The car’s pickup seems extra-smooth and fast, and there’s no detectable, awful, cloudy diesel stank like there is with B20 or regular diesel, and that’s a hell of an improvement. The car smells *good* as opposed to like an eighteen-wheeler. And the jerrycans of B99 don’t smell *at all*, which is pleasant compared to B20, which still stinks thoroughly of petro-diesel.
Gratz on the B99 switch…just out of abject curiosity, where did you stock up? Did you go all the way out to Manchester, or did you get something a bit closer? Other TDI geeks want to know… 😉
I have to drive to A2 once a week, so I make a pitstop in Manchester and fill my jerry cans. B99 was $2.75 a gallon. Cheep!
I have also heard that Crystal Flash in Pawpaw will fill up any containers you have — you drop them off empty, they fill them with your choice of any blend they sell, and then go back and pick them up and pay for the fuel. Very nice folks.